9 Of The Costliest Dog Breeds To Own

Ancient Origins

The Afghan Hound is one of the oldest dog breeds, with origins tracing back thousands of years in the mountains of Afghanistan.

Royal Companion

Historically, Afghan Hounds were bred by nobility for hunting large game such as deer and leopards.

Unique Coats

Their silky, flowing coat isn't just for show. It developed to protect them from harsh mountain climates.

Distinctive Ears

The breed's long, luxurious ears are not just attractive; they also help them hear faint sounds when hunting.

Incredible Speed

Afghan Hounds can reach speeds up to 40 miles per hour, making them one of the fastest dog breeds.

High Jumpers

They are known for their impressive jumping ability, easily clearing fences and obstacles in pursuit of prey.

Sensitive Souls

Despite their regal appearance, Afghan Hounds are known to be emotionally sensitive and can become depressed if neglected.

Natural Hunters

Afghan Hounds have a strong prey drive and may not be suited for homes with small pets unless properly trained.


Their unique coat produces less dander, making them a better option for some people with allergies.